I blew it on Brownies (2) and grits at the Waffle House

A Waffle House restaurant in Gadsden, Alabama.

A Waffle House restaurant in Gadsden, Alabama. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

It wasn’t too bad today. I went to the pool with my husband. I did a good 40 minutes in the water. I run, life weights, use a tube, run in place, quickly, move my legs up and down, power up, and power down.

We started out at the Waffle House where they say “hi” when we walk inside. . I only had two scrambled eggs, decaf coffee, and grits.Two things of cream. Maybe not such a good choice. I tried not to eat the buttery part. Usually I would’ve gotten a chocolate chip waffle. I am a child at heart, and in my mind. That’s my association with childhood. And I love chocolate.

I was going to some event with dinner, so I made sure I ate lunch before I left. I had a tuna sandwich with 2 pieces of whole-wheat toast, some tomato soup, and okay a little extra tuna. Maybe a TBS.

Then I went to the event. I had one square of semi-sweet chocolate. I had a couple of pretzels. I was fine till dinner.

I had salmon and  salad. The bread was moldy, so I just showed it to the lady who was putting on the food. I’m sure she was thrilled that I pointed that out. So, she removed the moldy rolls. But then, I found one that wasn’t moldy, and ate it with butter. Then I took one small brownie with frosting. But, then I went back up and ate another one.So, it probably added up to one biggie brownie.

Oh by the way, I have a really lousy case of Gerd, and a hiatal hernia. That means my stomach sometimes backs up. So, in between inhaling my food, I started hicupping. Then, I ran to the restroom where I almost lost it. Without my omeprazole, generic for prilosec. I can’t swallow and eat. Since I use food for emotional reasons, that is really hazardous for my emotional health.

Okay, now I’m home. So, the goal is not to eat for the rest of the evening.