Okay, down a few pounds more!

Just when I was ready to give up, the scale budged. I have been concentrating on natural foods like salads, apples, tangerine, vegetables,  brown rice, fish, chicken, meat, vegetables, etc. I’ve taken bread out of my diet.  After many years, I know bread adds the pounds to me. If I eat any, it will be low calorie. I don’t think I really need it.


I’ve been hitting the gym! Believe it or not, you can lose weight with water aerobics. It does work. I’ve also added lifting weights, and my favorite, the elliptical machine.


I look better in my clothes. I feel so much better too.


I’m serious about getting healthy!


I’m also still vain. I want to look as good as I can? It ain’t easy when your 62.5. I bought a bra today that lifts my girls. And it’s blue with a design!


How are you doing?


My goal: get rid of the freaking sleep apnea machine. All I want is a good nights sleep without being connected to that freaking machine. It’s icky!




LIR Water Aerobics Class

LIR Water Aerobics Class (Photo credit: Old Shoe Woman)



Nobody likes a fat person

I just watched a report on The Huffington Post that links obese mothers with having autistic children. They better have proof of this because that’s adding another stigma to obesity.  Isn’t it tough enough already?

I would bet the higher rate of autism has to do with other things that make us stay skinny: like aspartame in everything, and how about the pink slime in McDonald’s Hamburgers. Then, there’s always high fructose corn syrup.

How about all the Ritalin we hand out like candy, or the antidepressants everyone takes?

How about all the unhealthy meat we eat from the corporate farms, or the chickens who are literally cooped up?

Last year they were convinced autism was caused by vaccinations and now that’s been dismissed.  Meanwhile, there’s a whole lot of kids running around who are going to get things like whooping-cough because their mothers are afraid to vaccinate them. I know I would’ve thought twice after hearing that. I suspect that’s why a lot of people are homeschooling their kids.

I hope they figure this autism thing out soon. It’s pretty scary, but do we have to blame it on being fat?

Don’t fat people have enough to feel bad about?


MEGA MAC jp-1 (Photo credit: Wikipedia)